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Friday, November 23, 2018


Photo (c) Kimberly D. Miller - November 23, 2018

(c) Kimberly D. Miller – November 23, 2018

Inhibitions are so costricting, so limiting, so stifling! Why do we find it so difficult to be who we are, who we want to be, who we dare to be, most of the time? We all have things we want to try, things we want to see and do and things we want to say, but when it comes time to muster up the courage to step outside of our comfort zone so we can do, try or say them, we either make the decision not to go through with it or, more commonly, we have a drink, aka liquid courage, aka truth syrum, and we let them loose.

You know those occasional mornings where you wake up after a night where you've had a few drinks and the first thing you think of is, oh crap, I can't believe I did that (or said that)? Hello, why wouldn't you believe you did or said that? You let your guard down and your inner passion was revealed and exposed. How cool was that feeling of release? Think about it, these things that we say or do, sexual things, brave things, daring things...finally saying I love you for the first time...finally kissing the person you wanted to kiss...finally living those sexual fantasies...finally sticking up for ourselves or revealing the truth about ourselves and not caring about peoples' judgments of us...finally coming out of the closet...finally confronting the people who need us to confront them...they're all inside of us, longing to get out, but we keep them trapped inside an inner prison until that one time, that one opportune moment we happen to drink enough for them to escape. Fear traps them inside of us...fear of retribution, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown in general, but more often than not, when we do happen to drink enough to unlock the prison door and let them out...we feel good about having done or said them, and the consequences, if any, are few to none (unless of course we don't remember the night It's a fulfilling release because having had them locked up for so long is stagnating. These things fester when trapped and make us either sad and miserable or start behaving in ways in which we no longer recognize ourselves, and feelings and passions are meant to be out and proud.

The moral? How cool would it be if we could just be ourselves, desires, passions, dreams and all, without the help of a drink from time to time? It would be amazing!!! We all have the capability to let things out in a healthy and constructive manner, but those of us who didn't grow up with the message that it's okay to be yourself and say and do what you want as long as it hurts no one, including yourself, didn't acquire the skills to do so at will...therefore it becomes necessary to learn them. This takes time and practice, patience and diligence, and a great place to start is this article entitled, HOW TO BE YOURSELF, from the blog PEOPLE SKILLS DECODED...this link will take you there: Another great article that I found extremely helpful is HOW TO LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF by Stephen Warley, which can be found here:

It is very difficult to discover who we truly are and what we really and truly want out of life and, it is my hope that these articles will aid in getting your journey off the ground and that you will be amazingly successful in finding yourself and living your truth. It is SO worth knowing who you are in order to live the life that makes you gut-wrenchingly happy each and every day. We only get one shot at this life and living it true to you will allow you the best possible journey.

Here's to your success!!!

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