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Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I just recently had my birthday (May 1st), and I won't reveal my age, but I will tell you I was born during a time when Elvis was still hot and the price of gas was $.30 a gallon. Oy, I'm aging fast, but gracefully *wink*. In honor of birthdays everywhere, I'm holding a drawing, because let's face it, every birth is special:

Post a comment to this link with the date of your birth(You don't have to put the year), your email address, your name and blog (if any), and state your favorite thing about your birthday. I will be drawing 3 names on May 19th. The prize will either be something I made that is posted on my blog, or art supplies, ephemera, or a combination of all of the above. It will definitely be a surprise.


Ynaffit said...
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Ynaffit said...

oh yeah. And my birthdate is 9-20-79 and my blog (funny stuff) is

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Greetings, Kimberly! My birthday is coming up soon. I was born May 7, 1937 and have always felt the entire month of May was special! My family usually celebrates my birthday on Mother's Day which makes me feel extra well-loved.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!! hope it was a great one... I dont wanna leave my info over the net but if ya draw my name just let me know on my blog at

hmmm my favorite thing about my birthday! I think it would be when I use to live at home my mom would make me cute little pancakes and eggs! then at lunch time(my birthday is always during spring break so I was at home) she would make her yummy mom sandwiches!!! I think that is one of my favortie things the other is my grandmas birthday is the 13th my birthday is the 14th and we would always celebrate together her name was sarah too!!! I miss her so much but I still tell her happy birthday and put a extra candle on the cake for her!

Cas said...

Hi Kimberly! Happy (late) birthday!
Hope you are doing well : )
I'm a May baby too...good thing since we're twins and all!