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Monday, May 12, 2008


Am I the only one who goes through this? Or are there others out there who suffer from Summer Sludge. I call it sludge, because it's the only way I can describe how I feel when the hot weather comes around. Lately, as the sun has been recently intensifying its heat upon our poor planet, it seems I don't have the energy God gave a gnat. I get up in the morning, reluctantly, try to force my eyes open all day during work, while moving at a snails pace (so not my normal pace), and can't wait to get to sleep when I get home. At first I thought, this is just my usual bout of allergies, but then I realized that I go through this every year at this time, no matter how my allergies are behaving. I LOVE the amount of daylight we get this time of year. That is my favorite part about the Spring and Summer months, but I don't know how to beat the sludge. I've tried ginseng tea, vitamin B complex, exercise, a product called Emergen-C, etc. You name it, I'm sure I've researched it or tried it.

Does anyone else suffer from this? Maybe it's indigenous to living in Arizona, I don't know. If you have any thoughts, or know of things that work for you, please pass them on. I need to wake up, and fast *lol*.

1 comment:

Gina M Smith said...

Hi-thanks for visiting! Funny you mention this-not funny at all-I am falling asleep at my computer. I'm in Indiana and same thing-no energy, exhausted. I've tried Emergen-C, everything too. Dr. even gave me prescription pep pills-I can sleep through them- and my allergy meds certainly wipe me out. I hate it. I can fall asleep sitting up almost anywhere. Not good for a full-time job, driving a lot, plus wanting to do art every spare moment! No time for this!