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Sunday, March 28, 2021


Photo (c) Kimberly D. Miller


Changes...ugh!  For people with BPD (and some without), they royally suck.  We spend so much time and energy trying to make things stay the same and we don’t often realize that the changes are the very things that could turn our lives around toward the best outcome based on the choices we make.  

I always feel stuck and even though I know the very thing that will set me free is within reach, I still try to justify being stuck so the change that is coming doesn’t seem so drastic when it happens...good or bad.  We don’t handle stress well at all and seem to try to divert it in any way possible, but generally not in ways that are healthy.  It would be so great if we could just work toward the change and put our otherwise worrisome energy into that so we could move forward.

Worrying about change can often bring to fruition the very thing you worry about.  It’s all in how you word your worried thoughts, i.e. if you think, “I don’t want to be homeless,” the universe hears the last three words of every thought so what it hears is “to be homeless.”  If you rephrase the thought to the thing you want to happen, you can still worry but in such a way that you will most likely get a better outcome, i.e. “I need a home” or “I want a home” or even “I need a place to live.”  I have been forgetting this awesome principle and needed to remind myself of it lately as I have had nothing but hard luck when it comes to living situations since having moved to Oregon over 7 years ago.

No matter what situation you find yourself in or what stress you must face head-on, remember’s going to happen anyway so you have to accept that fact.  What you can change though are your choices along the way so that maybe, just maybe when it happens the impact of a negative change won’t hurt so much or do so much damage. 

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