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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Since acquiring my Bind It All machine, I've been binding up a storm. In fact, no matter where I see an idea for a project, I seem to incorporate it so that I can use the bind it all with it.

This piece was fun because the one thing I seem to find myself without when I have my journals and am out and about, is a pen, or a pen that works. I decided it was time to create a journal that I could use to also house the pen.

I also recently acquired a Crop A Dile and have b
een punching holes into all kinds of things and applying snaps and eyelets like crazy. I'm out of control!!!!! But loving it.
This was a fun idea because I cut and laced a couple of pieces together for the front cover and it sort of folds back if you just need to peek, or it opens all the way.

I have to say, I am so glad that I found my art again. I don't think I could have ever found a better therapy for stress relief and a way to keep this AAA personality, a bit calmer. These cursed mentalpausal years are playing hell on my nerves, but this art release, though it keeps me in a creative frenzy, helps me to not only calm my nerves, but I end up with a product in the end. It also helps me financially, as I have little to no money these days, and I find I at least have gifts of love to spread around that don't require any money.

I just acquired a CriCut Die Cutting machine, but I haven't had a chance to get real up close and personal with that one yet. I'm sure you'll be seeing it's results on here soon, though.

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