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Saturday, October 3, 2015


We all, at some point in our lives, go through periods where we feel we need to be liked by everybody. don't...and guess what...the world as you know it will not come to an end.

I often hear people use phrases like, “...and she said she didn't like me,” or “If I do, will you like me again?” or “I wonder why she doesn't like me?” and they hinge their happiness on whether or not someone likes them. First, ask yourself this question...if X or Y doesn't like you anymore, or in the first place, why does it matter? Why is it not enough to like yourself and spend time with yourself until people who are right for you and your world come along?

Loneliness comes from within. You can be surrounded by tons of family and friends but if none of them are conducive to your world and your needs or wants, you may resort to feeling lonely. There is a secret to conquering loneliness and that secret hinges on you loving who you are...even the parts you are most critical of. You have to realize that you are human, that you have flaws, that you accept those flaws and that you know you are a pretty awesome individual and love spending time with yourself. Once you master that you will be amazed at how many people want to spend time with you and at that point, you can choose to whom you will allow the privilege of being let into your life. You need to realize that they are not doing you the favor of letting you be their friend, but it is the other way around. In this way you will attract like-minded and positive individuals into your life and they will be there because you want them to be and they want to be, not because you need to be liked by just anybody.

Believe me, the quality of your life will vastly improve when you are surrounded by people you have hand-picked to let into your life, to love and to grow with for these will be true friends and lasting relationships.

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