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Tuesday, February 13, 2024



                         THE ROAD TO DISCOVERY; A JOURNEY…

One thing a lot of us in this realm…on this earth, agree upon, is that we are here for a purpose.  Therein lies the problem; most of us have no idea as to what that purpose is. 

There are the lucky one percent who are born knowing exactly what they are meant to do in life…they become doctors, writers, emergency workers, et al.  The rest of us feel lost…all the time.  We have dreams and aspirations for things we think we want or need to accomplish in life, but we don’t always know deep down, that those dreams and aspirations are true to who we are meant to be and what our true life purpose is meant to accomplish. 

Personally, I fall into the latter category.  I have taken so many wrong turns on this road to discovery although, now that I think about it, many roads to a single location can have several turns to get to the right place.  Maybe these turns are still on the right path, but maybe I’m taking the long way around to get there. 

Ever since I surpassed the 50-year-old mark, I have been getting much closer to who I am supposed to be and at least now I have a sense of what that might be.  Unfortunately, this type of work is a bit unorthodox and has had me doing extensive research into how to achieve it effectively. 

You too must find your purpose as it is embedded within you to find it before you pass into a new realm or dimension.  Who are you?  What are you meant to achieve?  Who are you meant to help?  How are you meant to manage it all?  These are but a few of the burning questions you must answer to appease and ease your soul. 

The key to finding your truth is this…never stop and never give up.  You will find so many “answers” albeit temporary at best, but if you keep at it, you will find the one answer, the only answer that is truly meant to be, that which will fit your particular mold.  It is a very amazing AHA moment and it feels so very right.  Believe me, it is worth the chase and worth the time and effort needed to get there.  Keep going and find yourself because…you are worth it.

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