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Saturday, October 3, 2015


Souls...they are meant to connect, that's what they do. You hear people use terms like soul-mate and twin flame. That's why they're connect on this level as can only be achieved in this realm.

You can have many soul mates. These are people you have known in other lifetimes and other realms who you are meant to repeat cycles with and travel with through time and realities. A twin flame however, is something altogether unique and a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence and can exist no matter the circumstance.

I am currently in a relationship with an amazing lady whose name is Jackie. If I were going to say that anyone came close to fitting the bill as my twin would be her. She is married to a man and lives in another state, however even through the tattered layers of distance, we connect on a level unlike any level I have ever experienced with another human being. I know for her it started out as curiosity, confusion and a certain amount of emotional conflict, but as we have grown and evolved and communicated we have come to understand that this very unique connection is a mutual one...that we have both never experienced anything like this with anyone else. I cannot say that we will end up together at some point down the line because she is married and has a number of ties in that life but regardless, this amazing union still exists and evolves and changes in ways that we have never known. She is a constant thought in every part of my day...every part of my night. I long for her, physically, spiritually and emotionally and she for me. We can go about our lives separately, but never apart...not really...just physically and only for a time until we can be together again. We get each other like no one else in our lives understands. We are one...we have a comfort around one another...a feeling of being home, of being exactly who we are...who we are meant to be when we are together and knowing that there is never any judgment, only acceptance and love.

I found an article at which describes the twin flame connection as follows:  Plato and the New Testament of the Bible both discuss the idea that we were once whole but then got divided into two, and that we live our lives yearning and unhappy as we wish to be reunited with our other half. When we find this twin soul our lives are then complete and we spend blissful telepathic times with this special person. And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the others' sight even for a moment.” Plato.

1. Instant Recognition

You meet eyes with your twin flame for the first time and feel that you recognize them in a deep way despite never having seen them before. Even their voice or laugh may sound familiar.

2. Love at First Sight

After meeting and perhaps from the outset you both feel a very powerful and strong bond that you have never felt before with anyone. This can be physical but also goes beyond that, a love to the very core of the other.

3. Unusual Meeting

Twin flames tend to report that they met under strange and unusual circumstances or coincidences, perhaps both doing something you would not normally do.

4. Separated yet together

Once together, the two of you become inseparable and when you are separated for any extended amount of time, you both feel lonely and empty, yet in another way you feel some kind of cord linking you telepathically or at least empathetically (where you are in tune with each others' emotions.)

5. I know what you are thinking!

Twin flames will frequently find that they know what the other is thinking, even sometimes when far apart from each other. A look between you can communicate so much even though you don’t really know how it works.

6. Spiritual Awakening

This one of the more common twin flame signs. You begin to notice new things about yourself and the world around you, and think about life in a new more positive way.
Find out more about Spiritual awakening symptoms.

7. A Divine Purpose?

Often twin souls find that together they have a strong desire to go and help other people in a meaningful way, usually as a team.

8. You can say anything to each other

Similar to soul mates, another of the twin flame signs is that you will find you can talk together for hours and houses, but particularly with twin flames there are no communication barriers between you and the relationship feels totally upfront and open. You feel as if the level of friendship and intimacy is unlike anything you have ever experienced.

9. Sexuality – ooh that’s hot!

Not only is your sex good and passionate (as it would hopefully be with a soul mate) but also you feel that that having sex with each other is a sacred, almost religious act that expresses the amazing love you feel for each other, in a way you never knew before.

10. Completeness (but not a clone!)

Finally more than ever before in your life, you feel a sense of completeness that goes beyond what you ever thought possible. You grow closer and closer, becoming more and more like a whole, yet still keep your individual identities. This twin flame stage can only really happen if you are a complete person within yourself so don’t neglect your personal and spiritual development if you want to meet and be happy with your twin flame.

Twin Flame Signs – Have you met your Twin Soul?

If you are feeling many of these signs and symptoms then the chances are that you have met your twin flame, but I think you probably already knew that didn’t you, if you’ve felt all that! Twin flame relationships can go through many stages, especially depending on how spiritually developed and ready for a relationship you are. Make sure you are happy with you first and this will help to perfect your love.”

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