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Saturday, October 10, 2015


Yesterday I had one of those trying days, you know the try so hard to stay positive and happy and just live in the moment and other factors keep trying to muck it up for you like four days worth of toothache pain that the dentist caused and pms symptoms during menopause...oey vey!!!  However I did not let that stop me in the end.  As soon as I got off of work I drove myself to the nearest beach, which is a mile long, put my headphones on and walked vigorously on the rain-soaked sand.  It had been raining all day and was still a little drizzly but I'm one of those people who like to walk in the rain, drink cold coffee on cold mornings and eat Popsicles in the winter.  Just some of the quirks that make me proud of who I  

The walk, which I did three times, soon turned from a vigorous walk to a stroll as I began to notice the sun starting to set into the rain clouds and take in the breathtaking smell of the fresh, rain-enhanced air.  There were maybe 5 other people on the beach, which is rare and the music was soft and relaxing in my ears.  My mood suddenly shifted from chaotic, to grateful.  How grateful I was that mother nature sent me these gorgeous, live, landscape paintings to observe as she worked on them, mixing golden hues with the whites in the clouds, blending them with the greens in the trees and the browns and blues on the shore. She is the most amazing artiste I have ever known and I SO appreciate her work. 

How honored I felt to have been able to walk in such beauty and be a part of her painting.  It was then that I remembered to tell myself that...everything works out...always.  Find the beauty when you are having a trying day and bask in it...never lose sight of the fact that it always works out.

(c) 2015 Kimberly D Miller-Photography

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