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Sunday, July 5, 2015


(I took this picture of Haceta Head Lighthouse this past Friday)

I had a beautiful day at the beach today, writing in my journal...poetry and reflection.  Reflection is such a great way to find the things in your heart and soul that are actually important and true.  This is the poem I wrote:

I now understand, I finally know,
How to find freedom, how to let go,

You have to give up, you have to give in,
But just from the fight you battle within,

You cannot worry, you cannot care,
About circumstances that aren't really there,

Live for each moment, they're precious you see,
Live for the positive, live to be free,

Keep judgments and gossip out of your life,
If you embrace them they'll only bring strife,

We need to weed through what's important or not,
We need to take stock of the beauty we've got,

Get rid of fear, be the person you are,
Learn to be free, stop fighting that war.

This is the reflection:

Right now, in this moment, sitting on the beach with my headphones in my ears, beautiful tunes pulsing through them into my soul and journal in hand, I can say that I am very happy and peaceful. The fact that I was granted the use of five beautiful senses is not lost of me right now and I hope it never will be. I hear the beautiful, peaceful sound of the waves lapping against the shore and the distant foghorn. I feel the warm sand sifting between my toes, the cool breeze gently caressing my skin and the sun as it peeks out from the clouds and warms me. I can taste the salt on my lips. I can smell the sea, its fresh and clean air. I can see the clouds part to make way for the arriving sun, the barge making its way to shore from the horizon, the varied colors of the sand and the sea, the waves as they change so rapidly, and the trees that stand majestically on the hillside. I am so grateful for these gifts, for my good health and my beautiful and positive life.

I share my day at the beach with the hope that you all have a special place to go that helps you to find the reflection within you. It sure does put everything into perspective.

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