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Monday, April 8, 2013


Beginnings come from many things in life, physical birth, new jobs, new families, new love, etc.  My favorite new beginning however, is that of a new attitude. 

My current, new beginning comes from letting go of a poisonous relationship and moving forward with knowing and really liking myself.  I have tackled so many issues lately and I am thankful for the new self-esteem I've built and a way to move deeper into faith by being Christian/Wiccan (Yes, it is possible).  I will never preach or talk to people about my religious beliefs, but for purposes of the topic of this blog I mention it as part of my new beginning.  I have my altar set up exactly how I want it and I'm so excited by how I feel now when I meditate and quit letting the OCD in my head talk in crazy circles 24/7. 

It it my wish for all of you that if and when you find yourself not enjoying your life as it is and feeling stagnant and/or sad and frustrated, that you will find a way to make yourself a new beginning by just adjusting your attitude and changing whatever you need to to bring yourself to that happy, exciting and/or contented place in which you wish to be, even if that means letting go of the reins for a spell.  Control is not really ours to manipulate and it can be very tiring believing that it is and worrying all the time about things turning out the way you wish they would.  The one thing we can control is the way we view things. 

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