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Saturday, October 31, 2015


I am still working on my book of sapphic poems so here is the latest installment:


Trust in me and take my hand,
You know that I will understand;

I'm here to help you see the light,
It's time for us to reunite;

You have shown me who you are,
I trust you now, no room for scars;

The truth in life will set you free,
Woman to woman I'll help you see;

Let's reconnect, heart to heart,
It's time to make a brand new start;

Life is short so live it true,
Stay with me, I cherish you.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.


How many times in life, from your earliest childhood memories to now, have you uttered the phrase, “It’s not fair?”  I can honestly say that for me, especially having been born an extra-sensitive soul, it has been a lot.  I noticed it more when I was raising my son as I would have him do something or not let him do something he wanted and he would always reply, “That’s not fair, Mom.”  And, of course as parents, we all respond with the phrase, “Life’s not fair,” which, to a child is just not satisfactory answer.  I never liked that answer when people used it on me either, but it is the truth. 

Fair is a word that belongs in sports or board games or areas of life to which rules apply.  Life however, has no rules and no bounds so when we try to apply fairness to any part of it, it generally does not work out.  It is messy and exciting and extremely unpredictable and while we are in one area planning it all out and counting on things to go a certain direction, it often comes right back in just the opposite direction and we then feel confusion or frustration because there were factors we just didn’t consider possible.  We try to reach a goal and work very hard toward it only to discover that someone else came in like a breeze and beat us to it.  No one knows why some people seem to have an easier time in life and to always get what they want with ease, but my thought on that it is all based on attitude.  I have always said that life is 1% what happens to you and 99% how you react.

It is so important in life to realize that there is no fairness to how it is lived and that you must roll with whatever comes your way.  The one definite thing in life that you can actually count on is that there will always be change because life IS change.  Expectations, as I pointed out in a previous post, are detrimental to your thought process because more often than not you will be let down.  Don’t expect life to go exactly the way you want it to, and it probably will.  Don’t expect a person that you really want in your life to stay, and they probably will.  Don’t expect a wonderful and exciting thing to happen when you want it to happen, and it probably will.  The point here is to let it be.  Have a positive attitude, a positive outlook and make the best and the most of every situation and leave the word "expectation" out of your vocabulary and it will go much smoother than you originally imagined.  

Remember, what is meant to happen will happen and no sooner or later than it is meant to happen and yes, a lot of the time we could say that it is completely unfair, but hey…no one ever said that life was fair.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.


Sometimes sitting home alone can feel so peaceful. I got off of work today, came home, got into my snuggly jammies (there is a storm brewing up outside, which I love) and built a fire. I then spread a blanket on the floor, poured a glass of wine and made a hot bowl of soup, both of which I brought down to the blanket with me, along with my computer, waiting for the trick-or-treaters to arrive.

I used to hate being alone so much but the older I get the more I value the time to get to know myself better and spend time enjoying the things in life that are important to me. I use the time to craft and reflect and write, composing the occasional poem or two.

If you don't enjoy being home alone, ask yourself why and reflect on the possibilities. Take the time to really evaluate your life and take notes (mental or on paper) as to what direction your life is headed. Maybe use this time to understand whether or not you need to make some changes and if so, how to go about them. If you have hobbies, that is the best time to pursue them, especially if you live in a household where alone-time is scarce.

Time is precious and time alone, for some, even more so. Enjoy it when you can and make the most of being home alone.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


From time to time on my day-trip excursions I encounter awesome conversations with people I meet along the way. During my last journey I met a retired couple on the trolley in Astoria and our conversation led to the topic of happiness and how you find it. My point on the subject was that you don't need to “find” it because you are born with this joy in your heart. It is always inside of us, but we sometimes lose sight of it along with what truly matters in life. Sometimes it is necessary for us to make the conscious decision every day to bring that happiness to the surface and nurture it through the day. We all have this ability and this choice but, because it requires effort...some of us will choose to leave it buried.

As we continued our conversation the woman added that she was raised by parents who always seemed miserable and she thought that that was how you were supposed to be and that you should worry and fret about every little thing in your life, trying and struggling to control every aspect of it along the way and that you really didn't deserve anything beyond what you could work yourself into the ground for. Guess what? You do deserve better, as a matter of fact you deserve the best and there is no need to worry or fret about every little detail because it all takes care of itself in the long run and it all works out...and it always will.

Just as pain is an indicator that something is wrong in your physical body, unhappiness is an indicator that something is wrong in your soul...that you are ignoring something it desires or going against something it needs. Change the areas of your life in which you do not feel happy or fulfilled and gradually you will notice how much more easily happiness will come. The woman then said, “...but you can't be happy every minute of every day,” to which I replied that technically, with much effort in the beginning and until it is a learned behavior, you can be and there are people out there who do just that because they finally figured out how. Being happy is a choice.

It all comes down to this...if you want to be happy and lead a happy and positive life, surround yourself with happy people who are positive thinkers until you become one of them and know that you can pull it out of you every time you want to are born with it.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


(C) 2015 Kimberly D Miller


As the space around me grows, I need the touch of your skin,
Let me just envelop you and literally take you in;

I miss your breath against my back as you spoon me from behind,
I miss our bodies tight as one, I love our legs entwined;

I need the talks, the looks the touch the blending of our souls,
When our lives are meshed as one I feel like I am whole;

We share our dreams, our truths our time, we even share our minds,
We share our love before the fire, while sipping on our wine;

Let's clasp our hands, let's ride the wind, let's totally come undone,
Let's break the mold with stories untold, let's bask within the sun;

I need to know that you can feel the love I have for you,
I need to know that you want me and that you feel it too;

Let's cherish the time we get to share when you are one with me,

Let's blend our hearts our souls are twin, let's be the best that we can be.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.

Monday, October 26, 2015


 I took some pictures of my walk this evening...notice how each picture is more beautiful than the last as the sun set behind the trees...

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.


This past Saturday I decided to drive to the Northern-most part of the Oregon coastline.  I made it all the way up to Astoria and the whole time I was discovering this beautiful city I kept glancing over at the bridge that crossed the Columbia River into Washington.  I just couldn't resist because I had never been to Washington before.  I left the house at 7 a.m. that morning and made it home by 10 p.m.  I had such a beautiful day.  Here are some pictures of my adventure.
What I loved most about visiting this factory was the reminiscence this cheese brought to me...when I was growing up my mother would only use Tillamook cheese and when I learned to drive and she would send me out for groceries she would always tell me to make sure I got the Tillamook brand...ONLY!!!

Tillamook is also pretty famous for this Air Museum, which I didn't have the time to stop and see (next trip).

I never did learn what this was but as you enter the outskirts of Astoria it is in the field there.  The top was burned and it was full of weeds, but not an old silo.  The Astoria Tower was about this tall, but I didn't get a picture of it.

 Astoria harbor

Growing up we used to watch the tugs and barges and freight ships go by our window as they went about their work.  Something I learned Saturday was that when you see the red part of the barge you know it is empty because when it is filled up it sinks down to point that you only see the black part.  I just used to think they were all different ships.  That's pretty cool.

 Part of downtown Astoria
 This is the Astoria Riverfront Trolley which I rode for an hour up and down the riverfront...

 This is John...He was the conductor at the end of the Trolley I sat on.  They have a conductor on each end so one conductor drives ones direction and then when they reach the end of that the other conductor takes over from the other end and drives the other direction while the first conductor tells stories and facts about the town.  John told a true story about how this town was famous for its shanghais...There are still three buildings in town where the floor drops out to water below where a boat would be waiting...after they conked a person on the head to knock them out they would drop them through the floor to this boat and then be taken to another country or sometimes killed.
 I love this is in Chinook, 
 On my way into Ilwaco, Washington
 I wanted to go to Cape Disappointment but didn't make it...
 The entrance to the beach in Long Beach, Washington

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Why do we let ourselves get stressed over stupid things like work.? My coworker was so stressed out this morning and therefore very crabby and I know how that feels as I have it happen to me more often than I would like. I managed to help talk him back into a better mood but in the meantime he had already snapped at so many people and the important people in his life.  We talked about how stress comes from down inside  us...a place where we're not happy about something that we're not changing in our lives and how it can be difficult to make those changes but necessary.. it can be scary as well. After we talked I could see he felt much better and had different perspective on his day.

When your day seems to be stressful or just unsatisfying in general remember to reach way down inside of yourself and pull something out that makes you extremely happy, for example thinking about your child or children or upcoming events that you are looking forward to etc. This will help you gain perspective as to what's important and hopefully will let you drop any stress you may be having and focus only on the positive.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


One thing I value in a person more than certain qualities they possess is whether or not they will accept me for who I am. Now, ultimately the only acceptance that matters at all is that we accept and love ourselves for who we are, but it speaks volumes to me when people get who I am and love that about me.

Literally thousands of articles have been written about self-love, self-confidence and self-trust and in my research from time to time, I come across one of these articles that just says it all...fortunately, today was one of those days. I stumbled across an article by Jessie Hays at entitled, "30 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Be Good to Yourself,” in which I found several untapped methods that I have not yet tried. It is a very well-written piece and I wanted to share it with you. You can find the entire article by clicking on the link above.

1.Start each day by telling yourself something really positive. How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today. Anything that will make you smile.
  1. Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes it and makes it thrive.
  2. Move that gorgeous body of yours every single day and learn to love the skin you’re in. You can’t hate your way into loving yourself.
  3. Don’t believe everything you think. There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and safe. The downside is this also stops us from living a full life.
  4. Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you. Let them remind you just how amazing you are.
  5. Stop the comparisons. There is no one on this planet like you, so you cannot fairly compare yourself to someone else. The only person you should compare yourself to is you.
  6. End all toxic relationships. Seriously. Anyone who makes you feel anything less than amazing doesn’t deserve to be a part of your life.
  7. Celebrate your wins no matter how big or small. Pat yourself on the back and be proud of what you have achieved.
  8. Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. It’s incredible the feeling we get when we realize we have achieved something we didn’t know or think we could do before.
  9. Embrace and love the things that make you different. This is what makes you special.
  10. Realize that beauty cannot be defined. It is what you see it as. Don’t let any of those Photoshopped magazines make you feel like your body isn’t perfect. Even those models don’t look like that in real life.
  11. Take to calming your mind every day. Breathe in and out, clear your mind of your thoughts and just be.
  12. Follow your passion. You know that thing that gets you so excited but scares you at the same time. The thing you really want to do but have convinced yourself it won’t work. You should go do that!
  13. Be patient but persistent. Self-love is ever evolving. It’s something that needs to be practiced daily but can take a lifetime to master. So be kind and support yourself through the hard times.
  14. Be mindful of what you think, feel and want. Live your life in ways that truly reflect this.
  15. Treat others with love and respect. It makes us feel better about ourselves when we treat others the way we hope to be treated. That doesn’t mean everybody will always repay the favor, but that’s their problem not yours.
  16. Find something to be grateful for every day. It’s inevitable that you are going to have your down days. This is fine and very human of you. It’s especially important on these days to find at least one thing you are grateful for as it helps to shift your mind and energy around what’s going on.
  17. Reach out to family, friends, healers, whomever you need to help you through the tough times. You are not expected to go through them alone.
  18. Learn to say no. Saying no sometimes doesn’t make you a bad person, it makes you a smart person.
  19. Forgive yourself. You know that thing you did one time (or maybe a few times) that made you feel bad, embarrassed, ashamed? It’s time to let that go. You can’t change the things you have done in the past but you can control your future. Look at it as a learning experience and believe in your ability to change.
  20. Write it down. Head swimming with so many thoughts it’s giving you a headache? Write them all down on a piece of paper, no matter how crazy, mean, sad, or terrifying they are. Keep it in a journal, tear it up, burn it, whatever you need to do to let it go.
  21. Turn off and inwards. Grab a cup of your favorite tea, coffee, wine, whatever your choice of drink, and sit down for a few minutes on your own. No TV or distractions, just you. Think about the wonderful things that are happening in your life right now, what your big dreams are and how you can make them happen.
  22. Give up the need for approval from others. “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches.” — Dita Von Teese
  23. Be realistic. There is no person on this earth that is happy every single moment of every single day. You know why? Because we are all human. We make mistakes, we feel emotions (good and bad) and this is OK. Allow yourself to be human.
  24. Get creative and express yourself in whatever way you like. Painting, writing, sculpting, building, music, whatever takes your fancy, and make sure you leave your inner critic at the door. There are no right ways to be creative.
  25. Let go of past trauma and wounds. This can be a really tough one and it may be one of those times you need to turn to others for support. The truth is though, when we let go of things that have happened to us it’s almost like a weight is lifted off our shoulders. We don’t have to carry that around with us anymore. We deserve better.
  26. Find your happy place. Where’s the one place you feel totally at ease, calm, happy, positive, high on life? Go to that place when you are going through hard times, or imagine yourself being there. Think about how it feels, what it smells like, what it looks like.
  27. The next time you are feeling happy and on top of the world make a list of your best qualities and accomplishments. It may sound a little corny, but it can be a wonderful reminder when you are having a day that’s less than amazing.
  28. Get in touch with your inner dialogue. If it’s anything less than loving, encouraging and supportive, it’s time to make a change. You deserve to be spoken to in the same way you would speak to your best friend, sister, brother, daughter, or son.
  29. Have fun! Get out there and do the things that light your fire. Enjoy them, enjoy being you and enjoy your incredible life.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.

Saturday, October 17, 2015



The air is crisp again, moist and cold. I reached for my cobalt-blue neck scarf as I dressed this morning, bundled up in warm clothes and realized that it is again time for a change of seasons. Oh how I love the Fall/Winter transition as it sets in motion the desire to hibernate and bask in front of a warm, cozy fire with a glass of wine as I wait a few minutes more for the zucchini soup I made to be ready to eat. I study the flames as they dance and change before me, lost deep in thought, feeling their generous warmth against my face. Outside my window the leaves have turned from greens to browns and golds and various shades of orange. The hours turn to dark more quickly now and I long for the light.

Life is like seasons that change as we grow and change. We move through the Spring, Summer and Fall until we reach the Winter of our lives, which is where I am now, teetering between Fall and Winter.

I was fortunate enough to have been invited to a baby shower today where I bounced a 10-month-old cherub named Abigail on my lap and watched as so many generations of this woman's family surrounded and supported her. How fortunate, I thought, that this very sweet lady is surrounded by all of this love and support. I watched in awe and fond remembrance as her grandmother, mother and sister set this event in motion for her and rallied round as we played games and ate a lot of wonderful homemade dishes. I thought to myself as I observed all of this love around her how wonderful it is that she is in the Summer of her life. I remember that my Summer was when my son was young and my mother was alive and I had so many other family members around me supporting me and loving me. It is such a beautiful time for so many of us, and often a very “busy” time.

After that you move into the Fall of your life, at which time you begin to gain more independence and become a bit more thought-provoked. You start to realize that there must be more to life, which is generally a sign that you have begun to poke out of your “world bubble” (a term I use to describe the way in which we all have our own little worlds that we live in) just a bit. Your kids are older by now, if not already out on their own and you realize you can have more of a life of your own.

When you reach the Winter of your life, you now know that the answers to the questions you have always had about life are actually becoming clearer to you, little by little, but in such a way that you can't always put your finger right on it, but the general gist is there. You feel your mortality like never before in your life and you now know the value (if you didn't before) of time and just what a precious gift it is. A friend of mine said to me last night that because she was turning 70 it was making her feel really she now found herself hoping that she would get to live another 10 years, which doesn't sound like many. This realization had her feeling her mortality more now than ever before. I so know what she means. I am not quite there yet, but I am beginning to understand this season as so many of my friends are there and we talk about it. We know that the impending final destination is the next step, but most of us have no idea as to what to expect next so a fear of the unknown comes into play. This is where faith is everything.

Seasons are beautiful and very natural occurrences in nature as in life. As we change we come to understand life and how to live it to its fullest. Be kind to yourself as you move through your seasons and nurture your changes. Know that time is the most precious thing in our realm along with love, and make the best of them both, not wasting a second of either of them. I know I am guilty of this waste as are we all as humans, but in the end, if we want to know that our lives served their purposes, we become aware and work diligently on ourselves if need be to live life to its fullest.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.


***I SEE YOU***

You hide yourself inside your world you never let them see, 
the who you are within yourself that you revealed to me;

I'm so touched you let me in and trusted in me too, 
please let yourself feel close to me, It's safe for you to do;

Sometimes you're scared, I know you are, I feel you pull away, 
but always know I'm here for you, I'm asking you to stay;

You know I couldn't hurt you even if I tried, 
you know I give my all to you, to you I've never lied;

Give me your hand and let me lead, the truth is oh so near, 
I'll take you there and show you love, I'll keep you from the fear;

Time stands still when we are one I need you in my heart, 
connect with me let's meld our souls, this is a brand new start;

(c) Kimberly D Miller - 10/2015

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


You know those kids..and some adults, who are always asking you why this and why that, but if you ask them a “why” question they say, “Just because?”

I had such a realization today and because of emotional growth spurt. It was a day in which, toward the end of it, I realized a habit that I have that does more harm than good. I ask “why” in most situations about most things. Whatever is happening to me or around me, I seem to want to know the “why” of it and in most cases in order to know the “why” of it, I have to delve deeper and don't always find the answer I want or need or that will serve me in a positive manner.

I have come to appreciate the answer, “just because,” as it is a very wise answer. It is an answer that says, “it is because it is and that is all that it is.” What a great way to accept change as it happens. Change can be so hard to accept for so many people, me included, and this answer just really hit home as an easy device with which to cope with change. I thought about this as I was walking and reflecting on the beach today after work. I have decided that the next time I ask why, I'm going to tell myself, “just because,” and use that answer as a trigger to drop the subject and move on.

The next time you find yourself resisting change and questioning everything in your life, remember the answer “just because,” drop it and move on. It will help you change your world.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


There is no love more important than that of self.  If you love yourself you can conquer everything else in life that comes your way.  When you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything will be alright because even during those times that you find yourself feeling as though no one else on the planet cares, you know that you love you and you accept yourself for you who are and are in your own corner.  You know that you will no longer judge yourself harshly nor will you try to live up to the expectations of others.  You will not settle for less than you deserve in any area of life and you will not take yourself so seriously that you create drama in and around your life.  I find that the more I accept myself and stop judging myself so harshly that I can handle the tough times even better.  I know they will pass and I will come out on top.  I just have to remind myself of this sometimes and had to do that today.  

Life is short and I am making it my goal to not only love and accept myself and enjoy life to the fullest, but to make sure that everyone in my life that matters to me knows how much I love and cherish them as well.

Love yourself, treat yourself to all the good you deserve, and all falls into place.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


I was watching a movie the other day and the lady who was dying of a heart condition said to her daughter, “...and when your heart breaks, I hope it breaks wide open,” trying to stress upon her the importance of living and loving to the you feel life and live it. I loved this line and the idea it conveyed.

You can be a conductor for many parts of your life, but you cannot orchestrate it in its completion. It is destined to be what it is destined to be. The most important thing to remember in living life to its fullest is that it means cutting out all of the worry and trying to control everything all the time. It means letting go and letting life just spontaneously happen as it will. It means not wasting time on the small stuff and learning how to savor all of the wonderful, joyful, happy moments and making those count for more than the bad stuff. It means saying, “I love you,” to everyone that you love in every capacity, no matter the fears you may hold onto about saying those words. Once you get the hang of saying, “I love you,” it makes you feel really good about yourself. It's one of those empowering phrases and you realize how good you can make other people feel by just saying it to them honestly. It doesn't always have to be said just for romantic love, although it should be said then as well...and often.
The other side of this coin is our ability to feel things...just feel them all the way down to your toes. If you experience joy...really feel it. Even when you experience heartache, feel it deeply, process it and grieve through it because in doing so you will only then be able to truly move through it. You have to fight the urge to suppress things and just allow yourself to know that it is okay to have all of your feelings because they are honest and necessary. They are one of the most intrinsic aspects about being human and living life to its fullest, so please allow yourself this healthy process. Feeling is a gift, and one that I personally am very grateful for.

I hope you always remember to live life to its fullest and if and when things try to get in your way, gently move them aside and process them as you move past this way you can always enjoy the gift in the lesson learned.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment. Also, please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Happy blogging.


Yesterday I had one of those trying days, you know the try so hard to stay positive and happy and just live in the moment and other factors keep trying to muck it up for you like four days worth of toothache pain that the dentist caused and pms symptoms during menopause...oey vey!!!  However I did not let that stop me in the end.  As soon as I got off of work I drove myself to the nearest beach, which is a mile long, put my headphones on and walked vigorously on the rain-soaked sand.  It had been raining all day and was still a little drizzly but I'm one of those people who like to walk in the rain, drink cold coffee on cold mornings and eat Popsicles in the winter.  Just some of the quirks that make me proud of who I  

The walk, which I did three times, soon turned from a vigorous walk to a stroll as I began to notice the sun starting to set into the rain clouds and take in the breathtaking smell of the fresh, rain-enhanced air.  There were maybe 5 other people on the beach, which is rare and the music was soft and relaxing in my ears.  My mood suddenly shifted from chaotic, to grateful.  How grateful I was that mother nature sent me these gorgeous, live, landscape paintings to observe as she worked on them, mixing golden hues with the whites in the clouds, blending them with the greens in the trees and the browns and blues on the shore. She is the most amazing artiste I have ever known and I SO appreciate her work. 

How honored I felt to have been able to walk in such beauty and be a part of her painting.  It was then that I remembered to tell myself that...everything works out...always.  Find the beauty when you are having a trying day and bask in it...never lose sight of the fact that it always works out.

(c) 2015 Kimberly D Miller-Photography

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