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Monday, May 30, 2016



Dear Self,

I know you struggle and fight to stay afloat sometimes, but in case I don't tell you enough, you're amazing and beautiful. Thank you for being so strong, open and down-to-earth. The world sees you even when you think they don't and you feel invisible. I appreciate your heart and your stubbornness...your willingness to love, even after having been hurt so many is admirable. I'm so proud to know that you've grown to acknowledge your worth. I'm so grateful to be you.

With love,

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment by clicking on the word "comments" below. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. Happy blogging.

Sunday, May 29, 2016


I recently discovered an article at entitled, “Hurdles to Wellness:Childhood Imprinting,” which is posted below...this article addresses beliefs I have had my entire life...that what you feel emotionally and spiritually can be 100% of what you feel physically and, if negative, will manifest itself in your body in negative ways:

"Many people stay in jobs or relationships where they are unhappy out of primal fears of survival. For these individuals it is nearly impossible to trust that they will be taken care of and that there may very well be a better opportunity around the corner. Learning to TRUST and SURRENDER are big hurdles to overcome. Although they feel underpaid or are grossly unsatisfied with employment, the threat of an unknown future keeps them frozen in the status quo. When we become fear-frozen in our putrid situations it should be no surprise when sickness surfaces. Ill-nurturing environments will affect our health and well-being. Sickness and pain in our bodies are signs telling us that we cannot be "well" while remaining in toxic relationships or continue working under poor conditions.

Sickness Can Be Our Hero, rescuing us from places and situations we don't what to be in.

A person may very well become so ill that they can no longer work his job and he will find himself unemployed. A few years ago I met a woman who was no longer able to work because her body had become consumed by a rare cancer. Although she was unhappy to be so ill, she wasn't completely miserable. She was greatly relieved that she no longer had to go to work every day and do a job she disliked. Her illness also afforded her a monthly disability check. Not working allowed her time to take up endeavors that suited her better than her old job ever did. A few months before she died she told me that she felt she had what it took to beat the cancer that was eroding her body. In fact, she had experienced remission a few times. But what haunted her most as each remission occurred was a gnawing fear deep inside that she might get well and that her disability checks would stop coming. Those checks afforded her the luxury to spend her days doing the things she enjoyed doing the most. Hers was a situation where her cancerous body allowed her an avenue to leave a job she despised and felt imprisoned by. She didn't have the fortitude to leave on her own. Instead, a deadly illness was her get-out-of-jail card. When the woman crossed over I was not convinced that cancer is what took her life, I feel it may have been her fears. Perhaps it was the physical body itself that she really wanted to leave behind.”

Every time I have put myself into situations I have not felt good about and have not pulled myself out of them in time or have believed I did not deserve any better, I would come down with an affliction or disease (dis-ease). I then went a step further and realized that whenever I was feeling as though I was not making any progress toward my positive goals and changes in life it was because I was feeling “stuck” in a rut, which is actually the cause of so many negative influences in our lives. This next article by Hannah McNamara entitled, “Are You Stuck In a Rut? Tips on Motivation and Breaking Free,” is amazing. She really leads you to identify how to break free of the feeling of being in a “rut” and how to identify it. When you realize things that are happening to you, i.e. bringing the subcounsious thoughts to the conscious mind, you can then take action toward correction and positive change:

How often do you leap out of bed excited about what the day will bring?
Do you know exactly what you'll be doing next week - because it's exactly the same as what you did this week? Could you be suffering from SIAR Syndrome?
It's the hidden syndrome that can leave you tired, listless and frustrated. It strikes down both the young and the old, the rich and the poor. Talked about in hushed tones with trusted confidantes, it's the affliction that leaves victims asking, "Why me?"

But for sufferers, there is light at the end of the tunnel because SIAR Syndrome can be avoided and its effects eliminated. If the following sounds familiar, you too could be a sufferer without even realising it: When your friends ask you what you're up to, do you reply with something along the lines of "Oh, you know, same old, same old"? If doing the same thing over and over again is making you happy, great! But if it's not, maybe now's the time to do something about it, because the chances are you've caught it -SIAR, or Stuck-In-A-Rut Syndrome.

Breaking out of a rut can be tricky. It can mean changing habits, making uncomfortable decisions and committing to doing things differently. But it can also be liberating, invigorating and you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner!

Whether you're stuck in a rut at work or in your personal life, it's worth bearing in mind this quote from well-known author and speaker on personal development, Anthony Robbins:

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."
How many times do we do the same things over and over again and expect to get different results? In business, we might, for example, keep doing the same Marketing we've always done, yet expect the results to be better than they were last time. In our personal lives, we might walk into the same set of circumstances we've had before, yet expect things to be better this time.

But there is something even worse than being a sufferer of SIAR Syndrome...being a carrier. You know the people I'm talking about, don't you? "That'll never work" and "play it safe" are some of their favourite sayings. Stuck in a rut themselves, they can't bear the thought that someone else might break free of it. But with so many people stuck in a rut, surely it should have some good points, shouldn't it?
Let's have a look at the Pro's and Con's of being stuck in a rut:

  • It's comfortable
  • It doesn't take much effort
  • You know what to expect
  • It's easy to surround yourself with like-minded people
  • There's less chance of making a mistake

  • It makes life boring and predictable
  • You feel that life is passing you by
  • It can leave you wondering where your life has gone
  • You could look back and wonder about the what-if's
  • It can be scary even thinking about breaking out

It's worth taking some time out to think about some idea of your goals both personally and professionally. Perhaps you've already got some plans in place setting out what you'll get done this year, next year and possibly for the next 5, 10 or 20 years.

Do any of them involve changing something? Do ALL of them involve changing something? Does it make you excited or nervous? A way to tackle nerves is to break the change down into its component parts to discover exactly what it is that's making you nervous. Sometimes nerves can kick in when you're doing something that you've never done before and that can lead to procrastination, one of the symptoms of SIAR syndrome. Once you know exactly what's making you nervous, dig deeper and ask yourself "what is it about xxxx that's making me nervous?" Then you'll be able to think about ways of overcoming it.
Interestingly enough, the same symptoms of nerves - shortness of breath, racing heart beat and thinking fast - are the exact same symptoms of excitement. It's all down to how you frame them in your mind. Next time you think you're nervous, tell yourself it's excitement and you'll make the experience a whole lot more enjoyable! You might even crack a smile!

Breaking out of a rut is a lot easier when you've got someone guiding you through it. Working with a life coach or business coach is a little like working with a personal trainer - your coach will motivate and push you to do more than you'd do alone. Plus, because they're outside of your normal circle of friends and contacts they can offer a fresh perspective on things. Break free!! Article Source:”

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment by clicking on the word "comments" below. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. Happy blogging.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


You know how, when you're walking along in public and you stumble over something small or trip over your own feet, you quickly look around to see if anyone was looking? Yeah, we've all been there...right? Well that's the same feeling you can get when you are working toward your personal goals and people catch you stumbling. You tend to look around and see who, in your circle of friends and family, was looking. It can deter you from moving forward...if you let it.

We all stumble...that is a huge part of life. If we were getting it right all the time, day in and day out, there would be no point...we would cease to exist. The trick is not to let it deter you from reaching your goals. We all have goals and/or dreams and fantasies...things we wish would happen in our lives and that is the journey we are on every single day...even in the little ways that we take for granted or barely notice. But you have to be true to yourself and let no one get in your way or stop you from finding those dreams and reaching those goals. There is no blame and no shame's human nature. People who judge you usually do so out of jealousy/envy...but remember other peoples' opinions of how you live your life need not ever factor into your living it the way you want. Stay true to you and be grateful around every turn for every wonderful, amazing thing that happens in your life. You will find that more you express gratitude, the more wonderful things you will have in your life...miracle after miracle...abundantly.

You are human and from time to time you need encouragement...a little cheering squad if you will. Even if you are a life-coach, a counselor, a therapist or psychologist/psychiatrist, you still need someone to talk to when things aren't going according to plan in your are alive and you occasionally need a cheering squad. Talking your problems out with someone you trust is pure gold. Trusting someone enough to share your secrets and aspirations is priceless.

Don't worry about who is looking when you stumble because you will...and so will they. It just doesn't matter. All that matters is that you get back up, smile like you meant to stumble and move ahead with confidence and a positive attitude. I know that when I remember that my life is so much smoother.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment by clicking on the word "comments" below. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. Happy blogging.

Monday, May 9, 2016


When I was in my late teens, already driving in fact, I discovered Al-anon. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it is a branch of the twelve-step program, i.e. Alcoholics Anonymous, et. al. A meeting for people in families or relationships in which their loved ones are abusing alcohol or drugs. It was in my first meeting that I learned the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference. I came to know these as the three things that could bring me inner peace in a New-York-minute. 

There are times in my life when things are going so smoothly that I forget that, as someone born with chemical depression, I have to practice my coping skills every day to keep it at bay or I start to lose them, and lately I had gone through a patch like that. This past weekend however, I was again reminded of the serenity prayer, and everything good and positive snapped right back into place. Here is how it speaks to me when I keep it front of mind:

1.  If you accept things as they come and learn to let go of the illusion of control and ask yourself each time you feel that things are not going your way in a situation, "How can I make this beneficial for me?" you will achieve SERENITY. This takes a lot of practice and diligence, but when you master this it will become a habit that will change your life for the better.

2.  When you know that you have the power to change things in your life and/or in other peoples' lives toward the positive and you go for it and actually make those changes or strides thereto, you have found COURAGE. Courage tells you that fear/worry is silly and pointless and that you can be anyone and anything that you want to be and you can be the positive difference in your life and in the lives of others.

3.  WISDOM is obtained by knowing the difference between the things that are within your power to change or those that you have to accept and work into your life because you do not have the power to change them. This may just be the most important step because it is this judgment alone that will grant you total serenity and therefore inner peace. Make this decision first and the rest will fall into place.

Are these things easy to learn? For some yes, but for others, not so much, but when you ask God and/or the universe to grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference, you shall receive them...all three. The important thing is to ask, but equally important you must be grateful for them when they are granted...along with each and every wonderful and positive thing in your life as you receive them.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment by clicking on the word "comments" below. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. Happy blogging.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


As someone who really loves to write and appreciates grammar, it amuses me so much when I see signs that either fail to get their point across or are just plain spelled wrong. I also love the pictures people post of their texts that went awry...stupid I wanted to post these to bring a smile to your face as we can all relate to these.

Here's your sign (yes, I totally "borrowed" that

These are the texts I found on Huffington

I so hope these made you laugh as hard as I did. Too funny. 

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and please, if you like what you've read, leave a comment by clicking on the word "comments" below. If you have a blog or website of your own I would love to visit it. After your comment, make sure to post your link and I will stop by and leave a comment as well. Please respect the copyright/trademark rights of the artist's work. Copying and using any work posted here is forbidden without express permission. Happy blogging.