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Wednesday, July 8, 2015


By the silent stone I sit, my soul encased with physical strains;

My head I press into the wind, I long to soar above the stress of gravity;

The ocean breeze taunts my skin with its crisp purity and scent of honesty;

I care no more for restraints of emotionality or oppression of human obstacles;

Judge me not for I care not about clandestine judgments of those who do not know;

I release my hold on illusions and embrace the here and the now.

Sometimes I write these...they are a cross between a poem and a rant, but calmer and without rhyme.  I can't remember what they are called, but I remember doing them years ago in a day-long class I took.  They are a great writing exercise and an exercise in letting yourself free up with expression.

(c) 2015 Kimberly D Miller

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