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Sunday, June 28, 2015


Every day that I am allowed to wake up and have a shot at another day, I am so grateful. I begin by waking up slowly and savoring the rest I feel from the previous nights' slumber. I then tend to my grooming and nutrition needs and return to my room where I pull 5 (as that is my life number) angel tarot cards and have them for breakfast, so to speak.  I pull angel tarot cards because angels had always surrounded my mother and eventually myself, but you can find tarot cards to reflect pretty much anything you are into these days. For me, this is one of the ways that I receive life messages from my angels and I like knowing each morning what they hold in store for me. 

I pull a card from each of my five decks in the morning and read their full meanings through their respective guide books. I love cards by Doreen Virtue...the first deck is called, “Angel Therapy,” the second, “Archangel Oracle Cards,” the third, “The Romance Angels,” the fourth, “Messages From Your Angels,” and the fifth is a deck by Stewart Pearce entitled, “Angels of Atlantis.” I feel that my angels guide me all day every day and getting that start to my day with the cards makes me feel energized and gives me a sense of purpose. Even if you don't believe in the power of tarot, think of it as the power of suggestion as well. When I read a card that states that, “the worst in now behind (me),” then that is the message I send to myself. Believing that makes my life feel positive and ready to forge ahead with confidence.

Let me share an example of a reading. This was Friday's tarot breakfast and it had me in an excellent mood all day:

The first card, from the Angel Therapy deck was the Twin Flame card which reads, “You drew this card because your twin flame is intricately involved with the answer to your question. A twin flame is a romantic partner who originated from your spiritual soul group—that is, he or she is “the one” in terms of soul-mate relationships. Often twin flames incarnate together during their last lifetime on Earth—after that reincarnation cycle has been completed, all karma has been balanced.”

The second card, from the Archangel Oracle Cards deck was Overcoming Difficulties, which reads, “The challenges you've faced have made you stronger and have taught you new lessons. Instead of becoming bitter, you've opened your heart with compassion toward people in similar situations. You've let go of any blame or feelings of victimhood. This is why you're now overcoming your previous challenges. Your positive outlook is attracting a loving solution and new situations at a lighter level of spiritual understanding. Stay positive!”

The third card, from the Romance Angels deck was Romantic Feelings, which read, “The stirrings within your heart represent the song of romance calling to you. This card comes to you as guidance to follow the pathway of those feelings. Perhaps you've met someone who made your heart leap, and you wondered whether to pursue him or her. Well, this card says that the answer is yes. Take action by flirting, asking the person out on a date, or making your feelings known.”

The fourth card, from the Messages From Your Angels deck was Chantall, which read, “New romance is imminent. You have been hungering for more romance and passion, and your prayer is answered. I am a Romance angel, and I am here to help you. New love is on its way to you, and you can open the door to this romance by opening your heart. The more that you welcome new love with open arms, the more romance will come your way. This also means that you must express yourself romantically toward your partner. Be candid about your feelings and intentions. Be playful and most of all, be openly loving with your partner as a way of encouraging the flow of romance to return to you.”

The fifth card, from the Angels of Atlantis deck was Zaphkiel, Romance, which read, “Zaphkiel is aware of the yearnings that currently exude from your heart, and intuitively receives the strong desire of your emotional body for the joy of romance, whether this be in new love or in an existing relationship. This stirring is often related to the fact that an ideal of love has not been experienced for some time. Explore this notion, truly identifying what that could be. The angels are returning you to a higher vibration of love, so don't cling tightly to the idea of love from your past, and be prepared to embark on a new way of loving. This is a time of wondrous changes in your loving propensities. Trust that Zaphkiel will work this out for your highest good.”

I am a hopeful romantic and as such I was so excited by this reading and therefore my day had me hopeful, excited, full of love and happiness and lost in thoughts of romance and positive ways that I can turn my old relationship issues around and find new ways to love and, more importantly for me, be loved. I have always been able to love to the fullest, but to be loved has always been difficult due to trust issues.

Whatever you can do to create a positive start to your day that harms no one, not even yourself (yes, I am also a practicing Wiccan), is something you would be wise to consider. The tone that is set by how your morning begins will govern the tone of your entire day. Start it off with a huge positive outlook, even if it means having tarot cards for breakfast.

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